Before reading this, I’d like to remind my readers to prioritize reading the words of Palestinians first.

I started writing this in October, and I have not been able to finish it. I knew that I could not publish anything else without writing about Palestine first as it weighs so heavily on all of our hearts. I kept trying to write, but the news grew worse and worse every day. How will my words resurrect the lives of tens of thousands of people? How do I process these horrors and what can I do as someone who is not on the ground in Gaza? I write this for the people who have chosen to remain silent on and/or complicit in genocide. I write this to hold them accountable because their excuses ran dry months (let alone years) ago.

Over the past several months, I have seen posts and opinions from people (friends, peers, colleagues) that I never expected to see. The oppression and erasure of the Palestinian people have always been “hush hush,” but with Hamas’s attack on israel in October, the situation (this word is not sufficient) officially permeated the Instagram industrial complex. We had influencers, celebrities, and those who have never been outspoken about anything before posting the “I stand with israel” infographic without a second thought – as though israel hadn’t been attacking Palestinians for decades prior to this.

I have been vocal in supporting the Palestinian struggle and liberation on my social media, my podcast, and in my conversations both on and offline, and many of my friends have as well. Palestinians in Gaza and around the world have asked the global community to spread the truth as western media, people in power, and israel itself have been bombarding everyone with propaganda. So much of the content that has been shared by these entities has been disproven, yet people are willing to run with it to absolve their psyches. I know that my thoughts and posts have probably upset people, but I cannot silently watch a genocide unfold – especially as someone who has visited Palestine.

Weeks ago, student encampments arose all over the United States in protest of their universities’ investments in israel. We’ve seen university administrations direct and partner with police to brutalize not only the students, but prominent leaders and tenured faculty as well. Identities and experiences have not shielded these individuals from police violence; this in itself demonstrates how the sheer eradication of an entire group is not about providing a safe haven for the Jewish community or anything else. This genocide and the repercussions that people are experiencing worldwide boils down to power. It boils down to colonialism and western interests and racism and ethnic cleansing. israel is able to further its interests through unbelievable propaganda, the exploitation of Judaism (in addition to other communities), and villainizing Islam and brown people. (Although this should not need to be said, Palestinians are Muslim, Christian, and Jewish.) Importance exists in noting that we knew this decades ago, but recent events and student demonstrations have centered it.

I know who my true friends are because of the values that they have. With approximately 40,000 deaths and millions of people displaced, I refuse to tolerate any sort of debate as to whether or not a genocide is occurring or whether Palestinians deserve to live. I pay attention to what the people in my network are posting (or not posting), what they are buying, and how intentional they are with their learning. We do not have to be experts on Palestinian history or middle eastern conflict to condemn and protest genocide.
I’ve noticed that I see more efforts come from my friends of color than my white friends. I know that my white friends can see what is happening and I know that they see my posts. I know that they are uncomfortable, but we all are. Why should we be comfortable with genocide? It is disgusting and gut-wrenching to see people turn on each other and call for the erasure of millions. While Palestinian voices should have been platformed and believed initially, the global protests ensure that they are now. We need every single person to join the struggle.

My friends do not make excuses. My friends do not avoid conversations about Palestine. My friends donate and boycott and protest and learn. While my heart has been broken by some of my peers’ responses, it has also been mended by those who have stepped up to the plate. Cultivating liberation is a community effort.

Dreaming of a free Palestine.

resources (just a few – so many are out there!):
Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund
Hind’s Hall by Macklemore (100% of proceeds donated to UNRWA)
Medical Aid for Palestinians
– follow @wizard_bisan1 & @sbeih.jpg on instagram
– follow on instagram
– Read Palestinian authors! I just finished The Beauty of Your Face by Sahar Mustafah. The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi is popular non-fiction read.
BDS Movement
Good Reads books to boycott
– I do talk more about Palestine on some of my podcast episodes. I recommend conducting robust research on Palestine and its history on one’s own as well.

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